Camp++, the twelfth H.A.C.K. camp

Please join us for the twelfth time to our annual outdoor geekery.


The camp will start on Thursday 8th Aug 2024 and will end on Sunday 11th Aug 2024. Register your ticket now!


FĂ©nyes Camping, Tata, Hungary keeping the location from last year with its own lake.


  • talks regarding security, privacy, and hacking
  • workshops
  • beer and Club-Mate
for more details check the schedule from last year.


  • E-mail:
  • IRC: #camp++ @ IRCnet
  • Matrix: click here to join
  • Telegram: we also have a Telegram channel bridged to IRC and Matrix. Please ask one of the members if you want to join it.
  • Radio frequencies: S22 (145,550MHz) for hams and PMR CH6 (446,06875MHz)

Ticket Prices

Will be done like the first year, should be less than 80 EUR/person.