Version v0.6

lecture: The real risks of the IoT security-nightmare

Hacking IP cameras through the cloud


Hardly a day goes by without an article about a new IoT (Internet of Things) device being hacked. IP cameras, routers, baby monitors, smart homes, NAS devices, light bulbs, cars, rifles, you name it. We have seen in the past 5-10 years how horrible the security of these devices is. Some people play VNC roulette, others hijack cars driven by a journalist. Junk hacking has become part of the ITSEC industry. Journalists are happy because of improved click-through rates through scary headlines, security researchers feel they are the celebrities of the day. But this is just part of the full story.

During my research, I have created a methodology about the different risks IoT devices can introduce into a network. Most of the IoT security research focuses on the IoT device itself and its vulnerabilities, but don’t consider the environment. Is the device openly available to the whole IPv4 Internet? Is UPnP allowed on your router? Is the IoT device on IPv6? Can the device be hacked through a regular browser? Can the attacker use WebRTC to get information about the user’s home IP network? Is it possible to port scan and fingerprint home devices through a browser? What are the limitations of these scans considering that a proper Same-Origin Policy is implemented in the browser? How can DNS rebind attacks bypass the Same-Origin Policy? Why are the XSS and CSRF attacks so risky when it comes to IoT security?
In my presentation I will answer all these questions (and more), aided by live hacking of a NAS device on the home network through the victim’s browser, from the Internet.

I will also demonstrate that IoT devices (IP camera in my case) with cloud connections are also susceptible to hacks due to basic security weaknesses in the cloud servers, like lack of brute-force protections or weak default passwords. This hack is a real one using real devices, which means thousands of IP cameras are at risk.

At the end of the session we will cover the most important security tips people can use at home or at the company to protect their network against these vulnerable IoT devices. For example how Adblock can be configured to defeat Intranet hacking or which DNS server to use to prevent DNS rebind attacks.

If you have already bought or are planning to buy smart devices for home or enterprise use (or you are interested in a fun presentation), this presentation is for you.

See white-paper


Day: 2016-08-20
Start time: 15:00
Duration: 00:45
Room: Klapka




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